Sunday, February 3, 2008

Spending Some Good Time With My Oldest Son

Today I took my son on the train to New York City. I brought a book with me but managed to read only 6 pages. My son who is going to be four in two weeks had question after question after question. Here are some of them.

How much longer?
Why did the man take our ticket?
How can we go under the water?
What is that red thing on the window?
How does the train move?

After a while you wish you could ignore it, but you can’t. My parents told me that I was exactly the same when I was his age. Whenever I take my oldest son with me he thinks it is a little special because he usually shares our attention with his 18 month old twin brother and sister. I bought him a muffin and a juice at Penn Station and he really appreciated that. We took the subway to the Upper East Side and the escalator didn’t work so of course I had to answer another 20 questions or so.
On the way back home he told me that he can’t wait to do it again next year. We also went together last year and he was already nagging me about it.

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